Thursday, April 8, 2010


Josh wants me to blog, so I'm blogging while he's in the shower. Suck it! Ha ha! Okay, now he's out. Josh, Kenny, Chas, and I are sharing a hotel room in Denver while we attend AWP. Today is the first day of the conference proper, and I've attended a panel, a reading, wandered the bookfair, and schmoozed with people from UNH and WWU (and a few inbetween from Houston and Portland State). I'm already pooped, lying on the hotel bed, and in a few hours I have to be up and about for the keynote address by Michael Chabon. Denver is also awesome, although I wish I could afford to eat all the delicious steak and Mexican food and beer. Oh well. Possibly I'll blog more about this later.


  1. Yes! I'm glad Josh is kicking your ass into blogging.

  2. Hahahaha. I read your blog as "I pooped", not "I'm pooped". I was just thinking "how did he do that since Josh is in the shower? Anyway...

  3. Yeah, I finally was around a computer to read your blog. I will be blogging about our experiences, and don't worry, pics will go up today...everywhere!

