Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Random Facts: Like a Horse and Carriage

Apparently I have entered the stage in life where the next natural step is to get married. Over the past year a frightening number of my friends have become engaged, and since I came back only a few weeks ago, four people I know have made the pledge to tie the knot (okay, so two couples). Almost certainly, before I leave, somebody else will pop the question. It's exciting, and I'm really happy for all of them, but man I'm glad it's not me carrying a ring around in my pocket, waiting for the right time to ask. I'm just not at that point.

Anyway, this has got me thinking about love, and when I start thinking about something, I usually wind up poking around on Wikipedia and the internet until I find some interesting facts. Well, here they are:
  • Falling in love activates the same areas of the brain that see increased activity in people diagnosed with OCD. Also, estimated serotonin levels drop to those of OCD sufferers. Scientists and psychologists don't really have an explanation for this, but one psychologist notes that obsession has been the go-to metaphor for love for poets and songwriters throughout all of human history.
  • To lessen the effects of lovesickness, Ibn Sena, the tenth century Iranian physician/philosopher recommends that the affected man (and it's an unstated assumption, for some reason, that the afflicted is always a man) go hunting, take part in intellectual arguments, or, because "The image that he [the lover] has within himself is nothing but a delusion," engage in shit-talking about his beloved to help bring him down to earth.
  • Look at this hilarious picture I found on Wikipedia.

  • In 1960, the average groom was 23 years old and the average bride was 20. In 2008, the average groom is 29 and the average bride is 27.
  • Also in 2008, experts estimated that weddings in the US are a fifty billion dollar industry.
  • Sixty-five percent of people surveyed tilt their heads to the right when kissing.
  • And finally, a man's beard grows fastest when he's anticipating sex.


  1. I've noticed a similarly disturbing trend among my friends. And, the ones that already got married are starting to get pregnant.

    Then again, it's my friends that are all settled into jobs/careers and actually plan to live in one place for at least the next 5 years. I think that says a lot about being in different life spaces that don't have a lot to do with age.

  2. HA! Quit talking about me and Em, Chelsea! JK. It's crazy. I sort of expected to be married by now, but a soon-to-be father? I'm not ready, that's for sure, but I will do my best to be a great father.

  3. Actually, Josh...you guys would definitely be the exception to my point. Sorry :)

  4. You are all perfectly lovely, married friends, and none are lovelier than Josh and Em.

  5. I'm sorry I've got you thinking about mawwage and stuffs.

    We're nervous about it, of course, but I think we're ready. And if you aren't, that's cool too. I'm just glad you're not being forced into it or feeling forced into it. Don't do it until you're ready!

  6. And you wonder why I've been so good at growing beards since grad school...
